Thursday, April 5, 2012

surfed el porto.

last saturday I surfed my local beach aka Manhattan beach/El Porto for the first time!! 
Natijane, Bri, and Melissa drove down to meet me and we headed to the water. It was slightly sprinkling outside...but we didnt let it get to us. So we headed to MB, the place I spend most summers as a kid and the beach I call home...and began our sesh. It's crazy to me how different each break can be. From Newport, to Huntington, to El porto, they all feel so different...and I can see how surfers favor one over the other. Our day in was rough. There was a strong rip tide under us for the majority of the day pulling us North which made it hard to paddle out and stay on the board. We all got up a few times, but not enough to get in a groove. I noticed that the water was a little less crowded than it usually is, and I came find out that its' probably because the waves werent the best. Needless to say we had our fun! And it was awesome to finally surf my home break. 


1 comment:

  1. I hadn't been checking out your saltykai site because I forgot that you had gone out with your friends while you were home....
